JustLeah (comments)
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 comments

Hey, Leah! Are you still around? I can't find a living person on here now. I guess this site has finally had it's day, huh? Are you coming back? I hope so.
Hey, baby girl! What's going on these days? I hope you haven't gone away forever from this wonderful place. It's so just so wonderful here! (SARCASM). Nah, I like it okay but I'm always gone. People here are always gone. Ha ha.
Hey, I really like your designs! I was wondering if you make custom designed websites? I wouldn't mind paying for it either!
wow. I seriously like your design style. I was browsing through web templates and there were 3 layouts I was contemplating on using and I had no idea they were all designed by the same person!
Anyway, I'm using your design bliss. Im only using the images, I'm coding it myself, but credit will still go to you for the design
hey, i just wanted to tell you that pink-robot.net stole your skyline blog layout and added it as a domain layout. I've added her to caught.webs.com, a site that keeps track of all this... well, just wanted to let you know! please contact us at our website!
Hey, of course I would keep in touch! You're my home-slice! Ha ha! Say, wait...m'kay, you're 60 years old now? I know I've been away for a while but not 43 years (you were 17 last time I was here)! Ha ha!
Hi Leah! I have no idea if you create customs or lend advice/a helping hand but it's so worth a try, stumbling across your beautiful, professional work... I'm a full time vounteer & fosterer for a small, no-kill animal shelter {mostly cats} & I'm currently in the process of designing a website {in photoshop} to help locals & the shelters I work with, etc... I'm going to have to refresh my html/css skills & with an important fundraising event coming up, I fear I'm just not going to have enough time. The layout & eveything is in place, it's just 'bringing it to life' basically... no custom work is required & I could send over the overlay/rounded boxes/background if needed, removing the text & having some editable spaces put in place to update information is all I need. Of course I would have to pay & would be very happy to as it is investing in a very worthy cause, so if this is something you do, or would like to, please send me your rates & a paypal address... I would be ever so grateful if you could help me!
Here is the layout & that is basically all there is to it. I can send you the blank layout or boxes alone as they'll be the correct measurements http://i52.tinypic.com/14llrwm .png
Kindest wishes & thank you for your consideration x Heather
Hi! What are you up to? Haven't talked to you in too long :/ So glad summer is coming! We made it through yucky winter! Hey, let me ask you something: do you ever read YA (young adult) romance books? I was just curious. It's on my brain is all. Ttfn little pretty lady!
Oh, I thought we were already friends. I've just sent you a request. You don't have to accept but I figure: why not(:
Haha this is kinda funny seeing I don't know you buy hey, how's it going?
Sorry, I just noticed something: You look like Lana Lang ( when she was younger) from SMALLVILLE. You probably get that ALL the time (or at least sometimes). It's crazy.
Awww, ha ha..thanks! And I respect you for being one of the few here to have your work actually accepted(: So kudos to you! Thanks for the friendship:D How are you? Hope all is well, little lady:D
It's really great you are submitting layouts and stuff. They look professional. I gave u a layout comment. Don't hate meh. Don't block meh?
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