Comment history with TheWinterBones
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Hi Leah! I have no idea if you create customs or lend advice/a helping hand but it's so worth a try, stumbling across your beautiful, professional work... I'm a full time vounteer & fosterer for a small, no-kill animal shelter {mostly cats} & I'm currently in the process of designing a website {in photoshop} to help locals & the shelters I work with, etc... I'm going to have to refresh my html/css skills & with an important fundraising event coming up, I fear I'm just not going to have enough time. The layout & eveything is in place, it's just 'bringing it to life' basically... no custom work is required & I could send over the overlay/rounded boxes/background if needed, removing the text & having some editable spaces put in place to update information is all I need. Of course I would have to pay & would be very happy to as it is investing in a very worthy cause, so if this is something you do, or would like to, please send me your rates & a paypal address... I would be ever so grateful if you could help me!
Here is the layout & that is basically all there is to it. I can send you the blank layout or boxes alone as they'll be the correct measurements http://i52.tinypic.com/14llrwm .png
Kindest wishes & thank you for your consideration x Heather